Mary Nees
Johnson City, TN
Mary Nees grew up coming yearly to these magical Northern woods. She and her siblings would climb over the igneous bedrock with its fractured planes. Superior’s depth, and far cold horizon enchanted her for its mythic, ever-present tableau; and it still does.
Her aesthetic work references the solidity of these organic things. She says “Art is language; and my aesthetic expressions come out of a confidence that the Creator has given the beauty we see, smell and touch as signals that can beckon us back to Him.” What you see on a 2D plane are the responses of one hungry soul.
The artist’s 1st training was in Design and Environmental Analysis from Cornell University, followed by further study at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and the Barnes Foundation. She earned her MFA at East Tennessee State and taught there in the Art Department. Her work is in collections nationally and internationally, as detailed on her artist’s website.