Matt Kania

Painter & printmaker
Duluth, MN

Born in the heart of Chicago and later raised in the farm country of Illinois, at an early age I was instilled with a deep appreciation for both urban environments and wide open spaces. In fact, I tend to thrive and feel equally at home in a fast paced city and in the quiet of a far removed wilderness. As a result, my imagery tends to be eclectic – sometimes focusing on themes based in culture and at other times looking at themes that revolve around the natural world. The commonality is in my treatment of all things as being equal.

A deeply rooted love for Lake Superior eventually landed me in Duluth, Minnesota – where today I can be seen carrying my paint box to environs around the lake or rolling out ink in my studio preparing for my next print.

Painting represents my best effort to convey the experience of a place – what it felt like to be ‘in this place, at this time’. That is the motivation of my painting ‘en plein air’. I am not trying to paint pretty pictures of nature. I am simply alive in these places and the painting becomes a vehicle for the experience – that lives on beyond the moment. At some point in the process of painting, it is no longer about the scene or about some sense of reality – it becomes all about the painting.